Now in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth!


About us

‘More than your standard carer’


CareNow is an organisation that works to help support and empower young people who live with a disability to thrive and reach their full potential. We believe that support workers can play a crucial role in this positive development, working to support the unique needs of both the individual and their family.

CareNow exists because we believe in the power of genuine connections. We believe that positivity, enthusiasm and encouragement are what allows one to flourish and improve their confidence. We are passionate about what we do because we have all been touched in some way by the love and the warmth within the disability community.

Find out more about our history and how we began from CareNow’s founder, Jordan Sandler.


Our vision

For us, true care and support is something that goes well beyond being just a job. It is about learning, teaching, playing and guiding. A good support is someone who is a role model, a teacher and disciplined, but also someone who is a friend, sensitive and empathetic. To achieve this, our organisation is made up of individuals who passionately believe in this approach to support and who hold a special interest in disability and the community outside of just their working hours. 

Our goal is to redefine the typical disability support relationship and reframe the environment that surrounds working within the disability community. We do this by providing the very best support workers and the reason why we do it is because we care.

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What do we stand for?

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CareNow offers a personal service. Rather than operating only through an online platform, we value person to person communication. We understand that each family comes with its own unique set of requirements and challenges. Thus, we are committed to tailoring our services to meet the specific needs of you.




CareNow is committed to the development of its team and us such we put a particular focus on the training of our team. Utilising holistic and conceptual training and teaching, we aim to foster an environment of curiosity and enthusiasm within our team through scheduled training sessions and workshops, online and as a team. We constantly seek to learn more, and engage with development and inclusion of the disability community.

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CareNow is committed to helping manage dialogue between families and their support workers. We provide a contact for families to provide feedback and for support workers to access support, advice and personalised training.




The team at CareNow consists of passionate and enthusiastic workers. We are committed to being motivated, curious and reliable carers. We pride ourselves on our commitment to the ongoing education of our team and to the continued quality support of our families.

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